Work Package 2


Project website

Outline of the EVER-EST website that provides a major source of information for those seeking further information about the project.

The EVER-EST website has been developed by partners NERC and ESA with input for some of the component sections also provided by other members of the project consortium. The EVER-EST website forms a key element of the project dissemination strategy that is outlined in deliverable D2.2 Dissemination Strategy. It will be used to raise awareness of the project both inside the project consortium and beyond for the purposes of communication and community building.

The website provides an introductory suite of pages that gives an initial overview of the EVER-EST project. It will continue to be developed as the project progresses to provide details of the project activities, outcomes and products in order to promote the project and encourage wider adoption of the EVER-EST solutions to ensure the longer-term sustainability of the virtual research environment (VRE), tools and services developed by the project.

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Dissemination strategy and plan

The strategy, mechanisms and techniques to be used throughout the project to communicate and promote the EVER-EST project aims, objectives and outcomes to a range of stakeholders.

Maximising awareness of the EVER-EST project aims, objectives, activities and outcomes requires a robust and comprehensive dissemination strategy. This strategy includes promotion of EVER-EST to the wider user community and planned coordination/alignment with other related initiatives. It also outlines the planned activities for engagement with user communities, stakeholder interactions, and liaison with other European and international initiatives.

The dissemination strategy describes:

  1. Target audiences
  2. EVER-EST project identity
  3. Promotional materials (posters, leaflets, website, social media presence e.g. Twitter, LinkedIn etc.
  4. User and stakeholder engagement (workshops, conference presence etc.)
  5. Impact assessment: key performance indicators (KPIs) and alignment with the relevant SMART objectives identified for the project

The EVER-EST dissemination strategy will evolve throughout the lifetime of the project according to changing technologies, techniques and best practice for engaging with different target audiences, and also additional opportunities and/or for a for promoting the project and its outcomes. It will be formally updated twice during the project.

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Dissemination strategy and plan

The register of dissemination and training material is due at M36: it is therefore the complete overview of all the material that has been used within and outside the project to communicate the solutions and technologies provided

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Training Strategy and Plan

The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive description of the Training Strategy and Plan that
addresses the internal needs of the EVER-EST consortium along with those of external communities, that potentially have an interest in adopting the Virtual Research Environment (VRE) platform. The plan will describe the logic behind the strategy, the stakeholders, the issues that activities have been addressing, the solutions which have been identified, and the different training phases which are foreseen during the project lifetime.

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Report on Training Activities

The purpose of this document is to provide a report related to the training activities carried out during the first two years of the EVER-EST project. The logic and roadmap for the EVER-EST training activities has been designed and documented in the deliverable D2.4 Training Strategy and Plan. This introductory chapter provides a short summary of D2.4 to recall and focus on its main guidelines.

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Contribution to International Best Practices

Task 2.4 Contribution to International Best Practices, of the EVER-EST H2020 project, addresses the end-users and project partners experience and lesson learnt from the development of the VRE in Earth Science to the international body of knowledge on the creation and management of VRE.

The contribution to international Best Practices intends to provide a lesson learnt handbook, including practical tips as best practices in favour of future development of VREs.

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Analysis of potential EVER-EST sustainability model

The EVER-EST H2020 project aims at providing the Earth Science domain with an innovative framework which will
allow Scientists, Researchers and future Stakeholders (e.g. Public Authorities, Citizen Scientists, etc.) to rely on advanced means to share, re-use, re-purpose and enhance scientific research processes and workflows.

The EVER-EST consortium is approaching the work with the goal to make scientific research compliant to FAIR
principles (make research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) by the adoption of Research Objects – and putting people/users at the centre of the paradigm.

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Plan for Takeover of EVER-EST VRE

In the framework of Task 2.5 the D2.7 Sustainability Model [AD4] and D2.6 Contribution to International Best
Practices of VRE [AD3] were studied and developed. The present document deals with the takeover plan which
manages the project assets transition from R&D to operations.

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Period 1 Dissemination Activities Report

Dissemination and outreach are an essential part of the EVER-EST aims and objectives. As such, various activities to promote and communicate with both the consortium partners and the wider community have been carried out since the beginning of the project. These activities, which leverage the results and inputs from other work packages, are fundamental to raise awareness of the EVER-EST project objectives and results, and to support user community building. Deliverable D2.2 Dissemination Strategy and Plan details the activities, techniques, tools and target audiences for outreach and promotion of the EVER-EST project.

The objectives of the dissemination activities, and in particular of the stakeholder workshops that constituted a major milestone for WP2, was to raise awareness of the project, highlight the main services and functionalities of the EVER-EST platform, and obtain feedback from Earth Science researchers that could potentially be used to guide the on-going development process of the EVER-EST infrastructure.

This report provides an overview of the dissemination activities undertaken during the first period of the EVER-EST project, including the two major workshops held in April 2017 that were organised to coincide with the release of the first version of the EVER-EST VRE infrastructure.

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