EVER-EST research paper accepted for IEEE 13th eScience conference in Auckland, New Zealand

EVER-EST partners José Manuel Gómez-Pérez, Andres García and Raúl Palma, from Expert System’s research lab in Madrid and the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center in Poland respectively, have recently had a full research paper accepted by the IEEE 13th eScience 2017 conference, taking place in Auckland New Zealand, on 24-27 October 2017. (View papers and authors)


The paper, titled “Towards a Human-Machine Scientific Partnership Based on Semantically Rich Research Objects”, deals with the enrichment of research object descriptions with semantic metadata extracted from research object content through a combination of Natural Language Processing, Semantic technologies and Machine Learning.


The outcomes of this approach make scientific information easier to discover, share and eventually reuse by both humans and automatic means like search engines and scientific gateways. At the same time, while curation is still necessary the automatic generation of metadata reduces the amount of effort needed by scientific teams to consistently annotate their research objects.


Four posters have also been accepted for presentation during the conference, including one produced in collaboration with the geodetic data provider UNAVCO, based in Boulder Colorado, USA, and NEON, a NSF-funded biodiversity project.


These posters are:


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